This week, I don't have a specific article to link to concerning my subject, but there is an ample number of examples on every news site today concerning the Ebola outbreak in the US.
We are seeing another example of an all too common occurrence in the media today: an artificial crisis blown out of proportion, with the media and politicians feeding off of each others' fear and ignorance. Multiple governors have called for travel bans for flights incoming from West African countries, despite evidence that such a thing only making it worse. Conservatives are using the Ebola scare to fuel their arguments for increased border security, saying that Ebola infected illegal immigrants could cross the border.
Both the media and the politicians using the outbreak are aiming for one thing: an emotional response from the public. The media is looking to capitalize on people's fear of becoming infected, and so they continue non stop coverage of the inconsequential developments to drive viewership and readers. Politicians are using it to push their own agenda, or worse, panicking along with their constituents.
This is a type of dishonest reporting, because the media's coverage has a tone that is not in line with the reality of the situation. This country has the medical knowledge and equipment necessary contain the virus. Feeding the ignorant panic of the public will only make things worse.
I totally agree with you Kevin. In the United States, a person is more likely to contract HIV than the Ebola virus. If less developed nations in Africa can eradicate the virus , then there should little concern here in the United States. This is the kind of story that the media thrives on. This is a prime example of the mutual exploitative relationship between the media and politicians. The politicians use the media as forum to promote a partisan agenda, while the media uses that spin to instill fear in the public and drive ratings.